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with a different name.

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July 2023

Farm Fresh in full bloom: DSA’s microherb gardens go to market

Your next gourmet meal might be topped with herbs grown and cultivated by our very own DSA supported employees.

With the launch of the Farm Fresh project, nutrient-dense microherbs like broccoli spouts and radish shoots grown by DSA supported employees are now being sold at supermarkets and restaurants throughout New South Wales.

IGA Mossvale, Highland Fresh Mittagong, Perfection Fresh at Flemington Market and Sydney Direct Fresh Produces are just a few retailers lining up to sell Farm Fresh herbs.

You can also get a taste at Mittagong RSL, Paste Thai Restaurant, Rita’s Farm and The Oaks Fruit Shop.

Locally grown, ethically produced and socially conscious, Farm Fresh is now open directly to the public.

And best of all, shoppers know exactly where their herbs came from and who grew them.

See the person behind the seeds

A QR code on each pot enables curious customers to view online profiles of the faces behind Farm Fresh.

Each profile features a photo, short bio and some quirky facts about the person responsible for planting and harvesting each pot.

The operation is currently running out of two 12-metre shipping containers on DSA’s Braemar packaging factory that employs people with disabilities.

This new venture provides more variety and upskilling opportunities for supported employees.

It also strengthens the financial viability of the Braemar site, ensuring people with disabilities have ongoing, meaningful work and can continue to participate in the economy. 

Supported employees, like Daniel White, are thrilled at the opportunity to upskill and embrace their green thumbs.

“I’ve been working my way up doing jobs that take a bit more thinking – I started out here packaging coffee pods, but this work is different,” Daniel said.

“You get to put some soil in, seeds, water and put them out there [in the shipping containers] at different stages [of growth].”

DSA also partnered with Urban Fresh who provided guidance on how to transform the shipping containers into hydroponic, temperature-controlled facilities free from pests and environmental damages.

Next time you’re in Sydney, be sure to seek out, snack on and support the green goodness from our DSA growers! ​​​​​​​

Read more about Farm Fresh and how you can support the initiative on the Farm Fresh website

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