Same great service
with a different name.

DSA will be
known as Scope.
July 2023

Coronavirus Update

With the COVID situation across NSW, NSW Health are regularly updating their advice to disability service providers and the communities we operate in.

Current changes to our services

As community transmission of COVID-19 has increased, the situation is impacting some of our DSA sites. We continue to  implement COVID-19 precautions and infection control measures across all sites to help keep our participants, their friends and families, our employees and the communities we work in safe.

It is vital you do not attend any of our locations if you are unwell, have been to a close or casual contact location, or have been identified as a close contact.

SIL/SDA sites across NSW

  • Our participants who are fully vaccinated are now allowed up to four visitors per day: two visitors 12 years and over (must be fully vaccinated) and two visitors under 12 years of age. Visitors must have proof of vaccination or a medical exemption.
  • Participants must be fully vaccinated (or have evidence of a medical reason for not being fully vaccinated) to visit:
    • Hospitality venues such as a café or restaurant
    • Cinemas
    • Group classes and activities
    • Retail (not including essential services)
  • Participants who are not fully vaccinated are allowed to access the community for essential reasons.
  • External community participant providers have recommenced. The participant and external staff must be fully vaccinated. Staff must wear a surgical mask when supporting participants.
  • Participants must wear a mask when accessing the community.
  • Participants should be encouraged to shower and change their clothes after accessing the community.
  • Employees must continue to wear a surgical mask while on site. Participants are strongly to encouraged to also wear a mask.

Social Connections services in NSW

  • All DSA Social Connections (Community Solutions) sites have reopened. Participants attending a site should be encouraged to be fully vaccinated.

Drop-in Support

  • Drop-in supports continue in line with current community restrictions.

Packaging Solutions

  • Our Packaging Solution sites remain open with enhanced infection control measures in place.

Employment Solutions


We continue to offer remote servicing enabling choice and control for all participants.  We are delivering our SLES Program onsite 3 days per week from 9am – 3pm.

Please note:

  • Visitors are not allowed into the offices unless they are providing essential care functions. Staff will meet participants at designated drop off areas if required.
  • Participants and staff must QR code in on arrival.
  • Participants and staff must have their temperature recorded on arrival and sign in.
  • Participants and staff must follow all COVID safety requirements and are required to wear a surgical mask while indoors.


We also continue to offer remote servicing enabling choice and control for all clients. Our DES Employment Consultants will be available for appointments.

Please note:

  • Visitors are not allowed into the offices unless they are providing essential care functions. Staff will meet clients at designated drop off areas if required.
  • Clients and staff must QR code in on arrival.
  • Clients and staff must have their temperature recorded on arrival and sign in.
  • Clients and staff must follow all COVID safety requirements and are required to wear a surgical mask while indoors.

DSA is working on a roadmap towards the full reopening of our offices and may continue to offer remote servicing for those unable to attend in person due to medical exemptions.

DSA Offices

  • All NSW offices continue to be closed and office-based employees are working from home.

Continuing our COVID-Safe practices

We all play a role in keeping ourselves, our families, participants, and communities safe. It is important we continue to work together to ensure all DSA locations remain COVID safe environments for our participants, team members and community. All DSA employees continue to be on alert in monitoring for symptoms.

Our focus and priority remain the health, safety and wellbeing of our participants and employees.  We are closely monitoring locations in NSW and interstate and anyone who has attended these sites or is displaying even the mildest of symptoms, is required to get tested and follow the relevant self-isolation guidelines.

Mask wearing at all DSA locations

All DSA employees are required to wear a surgical face mask while on site or providing direct support to participants. Participants are strongly encouraged to wear a face mask in line with the latest Public Health Order.

Sign in protocols at all sites

Site access controls are in place at all DSA locations, and we ask that all visitors continue to complete a temperature check and registration by answering our COVID questions before entering.

All business premises in NSW are now required to use the Service NSW QR codes and employees and visitors to sites will be required to use a smart phone to check in via Service NSW before entering the site. SIL participants who usually live at a site are not required to check in.

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